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Behind Every Fitzgerald Review is a 99%+ passing rate and our full guarantee to support your personal success to give you 100% peace of mind.
Why Fitzgerald Health Education Associates?
32 Years Experience
Fitzgerald has been preparing & educating NPs with evidence-based education for 32 years
Highest Pass Rates
Fitzgerald NP review grads have a 99%+ pass rate
160,000+ Prepared for Certification
Using the Fitzgerald Review method, over 160,000 NPs have passed their boards
Extensive Pharmacology
Continuing Education
Increase prescribing skills, maintain certification & stay
In-Depth Clinical Continuing Education
Expand your clinical skill set & maintain certification
Enhance University Curriculum
Fitzgerald courses & testing compliment university NP
What NP Students and NPs Say About Us
Felt Extremely Confident
Excellent preparation. I felt extremely confident taking the board exam and am happy to report passing on my first attempt.
Nurse Practitioner
Loyal Fan
I have been a loyal fan for over 20 years because your presentations are reliable, scientifically based and loaded with information.
Nurse Practitioner
I passed!
Great review course, not just for board preparation, but also for practice. I passed!
Nurse Practitioner